How To Sign Up In Mobicryp System?
- To Signup In Mobicryp System you first you need referral id, Now please watch the video below How To Signup in Mobicryp AAP
How to save Trc20 and TRDO wallet addresses?
To save TRC 20 & TRDO wallet addresses please follow this video How to withdraw fund In Mobicryp APP
What is Self Minting?
Self minting is a manual minting process where you have to initiate minting every 12 hours to avail maximum minting benefits.
What is Auto Minting?
Auto minting is a manual minting process where you have to initiate minting every 30 Days to avail maximum minting benefits.
How to activate the hub?
How to activate minting?
What is the minimum and maximum USDT required to activate the hub?
You can activate According to your hub price if you have 55 USDThub price you can activate 6x up to 300 USDT and minimum is 50 USDT
What happens if I forgot to mint for some duration would I lose the profits?
No! You will not lose the profit but the profit duration will move further accordingly.
Is this possible to change minting mode from self to auto or vice Versa?
As of now there is no option to change your minting mode in App will add this feature soon. To change your minting mode please contact to our support team via this link
What is the minimum duration of fund deposit and withdrawal?
Minimum duration and fund deposit and withdrawal is 24 Working Hours.
What will be the withdrawal charges per transaction?
Mobicryp charge per transaction 1 USD per 3% admin fee
What are the daily withdrawal limits?
There is no daily withdrawal limit on maximum withdrawal but minimum 5 Dollars for minimum withdrawal.
What can we do with the switch user list option?
We could simultaneously switch our different accounts in a single click.
What is the procedure for foreclosure?
Foreclosure: Users can close the account within 90 days and get the balance USDT invested. It will take 48-72 hours to process the request and the withdrawal fee of 3% + 1 USDT will be applicable.
Is there any charge to transfer Income and Minting wallet funds to TRDO & USDT Wallet respectively?
Mobicryp charge per transaction 1 USD per 3% admin fee